May Newsletter and Greetings
June 6, 2018 - Author: hillsadminSummer Greetings,
Now, I know it is not summer officially, it sure does feel like it in Phoenix Arizona! We made it up here during a special heat wave apparently. I hope each of you are enjoying your own special kind of spring weather that God is giving you! (Romans 11:33 (NASEC) Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! (Shared from PocketBible for Windows Store ( We know that God is always in control of His creation, nothing happens by chance or coincidence.
So, as you enjoy your weather, here is our newsletter to enjoy as well. Thank you all for your prayers and partnership with us in God’s work! I have also attached our Commitment Card and an EFT form for those of you whom God might lead to join us in this journey through committed prayer or finances.
The 2018 May Newsletter is attached in PDF format – if you can’t open it and would like a text only version, please let us know. If you would no longer like to receive our emails or need to update your email address with us please let us know.
Click Here to read the newsletter; Click Here to download the Joy Media Commitment Form; Click Here to Download the EFT form.
In His service, The Hill family
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