
In the past

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Designed by Charlie Asemota.


How You Can Help…

Getting the Word Out:

  • Introduce the Hills to your church
  • Have them share at your small group
  • Share about our ministry through social media


Financial Support: 

We need financial partners who will help in providing outgoing and monthly ministry costs.

  • Monthly support need: ~$6500


Partner with Us! Fill out these Documents:

Commitment Card: Let us know how you are following God’s call in partnering with us!
EFT or Automatic Withdraw form: Make it easier to remember your pledge!

Spiritual and Emotional Support:

We need a solid support team to stand with us as involved friends and prayer warriors.

  • Pray for safety and health as we travel and share our vision.
  • Pray God would bless those we share with and that people would be excited about our ministry.


We’re excited to be a part of radio ministry in Alaska and are seeking those God has called to be excited with us.  Will you join us in reaching the people of Alaska?


Scott and Sarabeth Hill

P.O. Box 249
Glennallen, AK 99588

Phone:  907-320-1718 (cell)



PO Box 249
Glennallen, AK 99588
Phone:  907-822-KCAM (5226)