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Journal Entry 8/7/18 – together on the Journey – Why? & A Schedule Update

August 7, 2018 - Author: Editor

Greetings from a green Nebraska,

When we departed last April, Nebraska was a bit brown, but when we returned late last week, it was all green in the fields of farm country!  It is truly amazing how different a landscape looks in just a few short months and how we can go from hot, dry and sandy — to hot, humid, and green in just a 3 day drive.  Genesis 1:11 states “Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.”  Yes, I agree, it is definitely so!

Farming makes me think a lot about why we do what we do.  God has called all of His followers to be witnesses and to make disciples throughout the entire world (Acts 1:8 & Matthew 28:19 & 20).  Our part is to keep technology working so that those called to declare the good news ‘on the air’ can keep on announcing.  However, we also have the responsibility to witness what God is doing in this ministry and to encourage the Body of Christ (our Partners) with that witness.

There are different seasons in farming where you are doing a lot of waiting and planning: deciding things like what to plant, where it will be planted, how much to plant, when to plant, how to take care of the plants, when to harvest, etc…you get the idea.  Once you are done with planting or harvesting there is a lot of work done during the waiting.  WE are in the planning and waiting season of our ministry.  While we work at sharing what God is doing through our visiting and traveling, God is at work preparing the fields, both the ministry field (Alaska Radio) and the Sending field (growing our prayer, financial, and witnessing partners).

We have seen a very green growing season in our partnerships.  We are blessed with tremendous growth in new relationships with three new churches that have come alongside us.  We are seeing God grow our funding rapidly almost keeping in step with the growing season here in Nebraska.  Of the 100 $20/month pledges challenge, we had four more taken while we traveled and we are down to just 40 more to go.  We are excited to see what God has planned for Harvest this year!

Our schedule over the next few weeks:
Aug 8 – Aug 13: Visiting Eatons in Alvo, NE
Aug 5 and 12   : Visiting Crossroads Bible Church
Aug 8:  Scott helping at Cass County fair with CBC
Aug 13:  Lindsborg, KS
Aug 14:  Dallas/Ft Worth TX
Coming soon – dates for Houston, Austin, and San Antonio (in that order).
September 13th – Our DEPARTURE date for heading North to Alaska with 100% support!  (We are so close at 87% right now)

THANK YOU so much for sharing in this amazing journey with us, also for praying and for partnering with us.


In His service,
The Hill Family

P.S. If you need a form to fill out with any changed or new contact or partnership information please use the attached pdf’s (commitment form)(EFT automatic Form) or email us an address to send them to through the mail.


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Journal Entry 8/2/18 – together on the Journey – A Note from our Joy Media President

- Author: Editor

(Originally sent August 2nd, 2018)

This is the day which The Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24

Today we hit the pavement again, but before we do, I wanted to share the attached letter from our JMM Board President, Rod Thannum (click).  In addition, we have a travel schedule change to share.

God, in how He provides, protects, and loves us has amazed us again this week.  We have been very blessed to have a wonderful home to stay in while visiting here in the Gallup, NM area.  We were given good times with good friends and made new friends; we enjoyed wonderful worship with the body of Christ; and we saw an increase in our Partnerships with 10 more $20s being committed to the Lord’s work in Alaska (this leaves only 44 more).  God also protected Scott when he fell a short way from a transmitter building roof while helping out at WIM! Psalm 118:23 – This is The Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes!

Our travel schedule over the next few weeks now includes Nebraska:
Aug 4 – Aug 13: Visiting Eatons in Alvo, NE
Aug 5 and 12   : Visiting Crossroads Bible Church
Aug 13 Begin our Texas visits and return to Huachuca City home base (Lord Willing to prepare for our departure trip to the field)

THANK YOU so much for sharing in this amazing journey with us, for praying and for partnering with us.

In His service,
The Hill Family

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Journal Entry 7/30/18 – together on the Journey – And Now two(2) Countdowns!

July 31, 2018 - Author: Editor

Greetings Partners,

Wow, I wish I could work as hard, fast and smoothly as The Lord does.  He is directing our steps and giving just enough light to our path for us to keep following Him if we do not take our eyes off Him (“Thy word is Lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105).  We have a second goal and more solid understanding that we are to begin wrapping up our support discovery time in just over 6 weeks from now and start planning our trip to Alaska to start by the middle of September.  Time and Money are two things you may never have enough of at the exact same instant, but that is the Miracle we are asking God to perform.  Fully funded in time for us to depart in Mid-September, to be able to make it up to Alaska before the weather starts to become dicey.

This past week or 10 days, God has been at work in raising our financial partnerships.  While we were camping with our Partner church out of Phoenix we discovered that we had reached the 75% mark, but by the time we finished in the wilderness He had moved us up to break 83% of our financial Goal.  This leaves only $1,067 in our Monthly Support need or 54 more people at $20/month.  We continually pray that God would provide for and bless all of you that read this and that He would prompt you to consider taking one or two of our remaining monthly pledges.  The countdown of time and remaining pledges is rapidly declining and we are stepping out in faith that God is on the move to help us arrive in Alaska this September fully funded. (See attachments)

Meanwhile, our visit to the Gallup, NM area has been very good!  God has blessed us to be able to see many of those we came to love, especially the church we enjoyed attending for many years.  Truly, it was a blessing to us once again to hear the teaching at Grace Bible Church this past Sunday, and to visit with familiar faces; thank you GBC!  In addition, God has allowed Scott to assist technically a little with the Radio stations at Western Indian Ministries.  Please pray that we would have perseverance, faith, grace, mercy and wisdom in our run to finish this leg of our race!

Our schedule over the next few weeks:

The rest of this week – Gallup, NM area visits
Aug – traveling to Texas to visit (are you on the list yet?)


In His service,
The Hill Family


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Journal Entry 7/20/18 – together on the Journey – Hitting the road Again

- Author: Editor

(originally sent on July 20, 2018)

Greetings dear Friends, Partners, and Saints,

This week has been fascinatingly rich in experiencing God at His best!  Do you remember the quote from The Lord of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” What God wills, is what we all as Christians seek to discover, but usually only see in 20/20 hindsight.  When I get up in the morning, I plan, while praying, to follow what God wills for me to do.  Easier said than done – especially when I discover that what I thought was in the plan for the day, looks nothing as I pictured it.   In my last email, I said “…I get back to understanding that I don’t understand!”  It has been one week since my last email, and I have not “kept” my feet because God has swept us off to where we did not know.

For instance, I knew I had a problem with the front end of our Van, I suspected it needed an alignment.  After 4 hours at the shop to have an alignment done, I am told it does not really need an alignment but, instead, needs new bearings on both front wheels, inside and out.  I was handed a quote of more than $600 to do the work.  Realizing that most of this cost was labor and overpriced parts, I decided I could do the job myself.  Simple job, but very time consuming.  Time I was planning on writing to a few people and making an update, this update. But God…had other plans and my “understanding” of His making use of my time for something else is not yet clear and may never be.  Eph. 2:10 helps though, knowing that God prepared beforehand the good works that we would walk in them.

Meanwhile God has been at work in raising our financial support, talking to His people to have them join you in partnering with this ministry in Alaska.  We are still praying that God would provide for and bless all of you that read this and that He would prompt you to consider taking a $20 a month portion of our remaining need and filling out a response card (attached) and mailing it in.  Our challenge is the need to have 100 people partner at $20/month, and God is swiftly fulfilling that goal with 17 of those 20’s committed.  Will you be one of the 83 remaining Partners?  The Countdown is ticking away and we are Trusting God to supply all of what He knows we need to get us to where He is calling.  Some in leadership trust God in what He has begun already and have even been prompted to ask us to set a field arrival date.  Please pray with us for God’s will to be done, for wisdom in setting the date, and for God to increase our faith through seeing what He can do!

Our schedule over the next few weeks:

July 20-22 – Passages Christian Fellowship church Campout @ WOODS CANYON LAKE, AZ
July 25-Aug 1 – Gallup, NM (our calendar has a few visits set, but there are others available)
July 29 – Grace Bible Church in Gallup
Aug – traveling to Texas to visit (are you on the list yet?)
In His service,
The Hill Family

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