Journal Entry 8/7/18 – together on the Journey – Why? & A Schedule Update
August 7, 2018 - Author: Editor - No CommentsGreetings from a green Nebraska,
When we departed last April, Nebraska was a bit brown, but when we returned late last week, it was all green in the fields of farm country! It is truly amazing how different a landscape looks in just a few short months and how we can go from hot, dry and sandy — to hot, humid, and green in just a 3 day drive. Genesis 1:11 states “Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.” Yes, I agree, it is definitely so!
Farming makes me think a lot about why we do what we do. God has called all of His followers to be witnesses and to make disciples throughout the entire world (Acts 1:8 & Matthew 28:19 & 20). Our part is to keep technology working so that those called to declare the good news ‘on the air’ can keep on announcing. However, we also have the responsibility to witness what God is doing in this ministry and to encourage the Body of Christ (our Partners) with that witness.
There are different seasons in farming where you are doing a lot of waiting and planning: deciding things like what to plant, where it will be planted, how much to plant, when to plant, how to take care of the plants, when to harvest, etc…you get the idea. Once you are done with planting or harvesting there is a lot of work done during the waiting. WE are in the planning and waiting season of our ministry. While we work at sharing what God is doing through our visiting and traveling, God is at work preparing the fields, both the ministry field (Alaska Radio) and the Sending field (growing our prayer, financial, and witnessing partners).
We have seen a very green growing season in our partnerships. We are blessed with tremendous growth in new relationships with three new churches that have come alongside us. We are seeing God grow our funding rapidly almost keeping in step with the growing season here in Nebraska. Of the 100 $20/month pledges challenge, we had four more taken while we traveled and we are down to just 40 more to go. We are excited to see what God has planned for Harvest this year!
Our schedule over the next few weeks:
Aug 8 – Aug 13: Visiting Eatons in Alvo, NE
Aug 5 and 12 : Visiting Crossroads Bible Church
Aug 8: Scott helping at Cass County fair with CBC
Aug 13: Lindsborg, KS
Aug 14: Dallas/Ft Worth TX
Coming soon – dates for Houston, Austin, and San Antonio (in that order).
September 13th – Our DEPARTURE date for heading North to Alaska with 100% support! (We are so close at 87% right now)
THANK YOU so much for sharing in this amazing journey with us, also for praying and for partnering with us.
In His service,
The Hill Family
P.S. If you need a form to fill out with any changed or new contact or partnership information please use the attached pdf’s (commitment form)(EFT automatic Form) or email us an address to send them to through the mail.
Categories: Journey Journal Entry, Newsletter, Praiseworthy, Prayer Req., Update