March Note
March 18, 2014 - Author: Scott Hill - No CommentsGreetings from the front-lines!
As in any war there are many areas of duty to be served in and it takes many individuals to fill those positions and keep the front lines moving forward winning one battle at time as the army follows their commander because He is the one that knows the plans and issues the orders. We have felt that this well describes the theater or field that we have been called to. There are days that the battle against the spiritual unseen forces that work against our Lord and Father God are targeting a bombardment at this little fort in Tse Bonito. As Scott is filling in for several positions in this battalion we are reassured by the knowledge that we are not in this alone, but He has called you to be a part of our supply line, thank you for putting on the armor and joining us in the fight with prayer, support, and encouragement.
Keep up the Prayer for this summer as this week (3/17) we have our first work crew here to begin work on several simultaneous projects that require someone to keep track of progress and guide in proper procedure and techniques. Our greatest need is to solidify building plans for the remodel of one of our oldest buildings into a Dorm facility and Retreat/Conference/Christian educational center. We still need to acquire a 44ft. or equivalent steel I-Beam (It is harder than you would think). We will also need more funds to see this project through to completion.
The Battle Belongs to The Lord! Fight the Good Fight.
In His service,
Scott and Sarabeth Hill
Categories: Prayer Req., Update