Merry Christmas!
December 1, 2013 - Author: Sarabeth Hill - No CommentsYour Prayers have been Answered! Praise the Lord that the Complete Placenta Previa is no Longer! We can and will have a normal, almost natural birth scheduled for the 18th of December (almost – we will be inducing the beginning). You may read this either before or after that date, but we certainly want to thank you for your consistent prayer for us and our children. We have witnessed a Miracle from His hand, in human terms, it was very much against the odds of happening. Keep your eye on our update website and Facebook to get a glimpse of our new little boy when he arrives.
Thank you also for praying for our leadership and for the direction of the mission — I took part in a meeting on Tuesday in Albuquerque regarding our Housing needs on the mission and for the Rez, we expected a few from the list of emailed invitees to come, but we ended up with about 16 total, and the committee has been formed with some very good input and ideas of how we might set an example of how to build inexpensive, efficient, and long lasting homes in our area. Please keep this in prayer!
Thank you so much for your faithful support of this ministry, we hope you have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! We pray that you will be blessed for your giving and generosity, as well as your obedience to Our Lord’s call on your lives. Look for our newsletter later this month, Lord willing!
In His service,
Scott and Sarabeth Hill…
Categories: Update