September Note
September 27, 2015 - Author: Sarabeth Hill - No CommentsMid-September Greetings!
Things never seem to slow down here at this spiritual Navajo Battle Front! WIM is hosting a translation group called UniSkript that hopes to make it possible for every Navajo Language speaker to be able to read the Bible in Navajo, and write in Navajo – UniSkript will be a significant tool to help preserve, promote, and revitalize the Navajo language and culture. They are missionaries that came together from all over the world – some have been on their fields for many years, and God is using them to reach many cultures for him through this language technique. We also are hosting our last work team of the ‘summer’ during the third week of September. Pray that they can stay on task and make a big dent in the Dorm/Retreat building project.
The WIM leadership is actively looking for some people that will be able to relieve Scott from the bookkeeping and Business Management Duties of the organization so that He can return to doing the Radio Engineering full time as things are expanding with the Broadcasting department and will require attention. Please pray for an Accountant and business manager to be found really soon.
Thank you for your prayers and donation to WIM as you partner with us in this ministry outreach to the Navajo Nation. For more information on UniSkript go to on the web.
Categories: Update