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Journal Entry 8/17/18 – Together on the Journey – HAVE YOU been praying for us?

August 28, 2018 - Author: Editor

(Originally emailed 8/17/2018)

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19


Howdy Y’all!  Texas Greetings,


HAVE YOU been praying for us?  I am a bit afraid that you are even now praying for us!!  Afraid?!?  Yes, because God is on the move in a mighty way!!!  When God’s people pray, we hope to see an answer, but when He answers, sometimes it is not what we expect.  Sometimes His answer includes us in the solution because we prayed.  If I pray for God to “help my unbelief” (Mk 9:23-24), He might very well put me in a situation where only He can provide the solution, thereby increasing my faith in Him.  Take heart!  He is doing that very thing NOW for you and for us!!!  This last week He has been adding partners into our fellowship that have increased the prayer support, financial support and OUR Faith in Him.  As of today, Friday, we have 99.9% of our monthly need pledged and we have had over half of our project funds donated.  We are so very excited that He has been working toward completing our Home Service and is about to take us to the field.  Our departure date to head north to Alaska has been set for September 5th, 2018!!!!!

I, Scott, said that I am afraid, but I think it is more that I am intrepid.  When I realized that God was completing His initial answer to our prayers and wrapping up this time of our family’s life, I was suddenly faced with the reality of another major change in our “routine”.  As I get older, I am coming to grips with how much more I resist changing gears after finally settling into the current one.  I think that we just got used to traveling and visiting again and accepting that this was what God wanted for us, but we knew that this was not the end goal (2 Timothy 1:8-14), we have a much higher calling.

Home Service is a time for us to give the Body of Christ an opportunity to share in what God is doing.  By following us in reading these emails, Praying for us, visiting with us, partnering with us financially, and sharing your lives and God’s testimonies – YOU have become a part of what God is doing in this ministry and I pray that God would let you share in the blessings as we move together to Alaska.

If God has prompted you to take advantage of this opportunity in ministry by sharing financially and you have not yet acted on it, now is a good time to help us finish our Home Service well.  A long time ago, I came across these statistics for aiming at getting things done 99.9% of the time:  Only 16,000 pieces of mail would be lost by the U.S. Post Office … every hour; 20,000 drug prescriptions would be improperly filled each week; 32,000 checks would be deducted from the wrong bank account each hour; and we would only have one hour of unsafe drinking water each month.  Can you help put us at 100% of our monthly need or help us fulfill our remaining $5,000 need in the project funds (includes travel to the field and will help in furnishings like kids bed’s and a washer and dryer)?  Thank you!  WE know that God will complete what He started, we are seeing Him work even as we write this email.


Our schedule:

Aug. 18 – Depart Dallas, TX to Houston, TX
Aug. 19 – Worship The Lord with friends at Cypress Bible Church in Houston, TX
Aug. 21 – Depart Houston, TX traveling to Austin, TX area (Georgetown)
Aug. 23 – Travel to Sierra Vista
Sept. 5 – Begin our travel North to Alaska!
Sept. 9 – Worship with the Body of Christ at Larkin Community Church in Carey, Idaho


In His service,
Scott and Sarabeth Hill and family

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October Newsletter

November 5, 2017 - Author: Scott Hill

Reformation Day Greetings!  Our October Newsletter is ready to read! (click Here to open the PDF.)

This day we remember that historic event 500 years ago of Martin Luther posting his 95 theses to the door!  Praise the Lord that I do not have to hand copy this newsletter today to all of you.  He has truly blessed us to live in a day of technology that spreads His Word and Testimonies far and wide and fast.  Thank you for reading this newsletter and sharing in the History of the Hill family and God’s calling on them.

I want to highlight that we have a website,, that has a record of our newsletters and updates and links to Sarabeth’s blog.  Occasionally we will post something else as we have for this newsletter.  Questions and Answers{ } is a new page on the site that shares some Questions that one of our churches asked recently and we thought they were good enough to share with you along with our answers, please take some time to read and feel free to come up with your own questions for us.

Sarabeth is due with our 3rd daughter in November, thank you for praying with us for a safe and smooth delivery.  This will very much limit her ability to travel, so we are staying put till after November.

Again, THANK YOU so much for partnering with God in His work on and through us!

In His service,

Scott and Sarabeth Hill

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June Note

June 20, 2015 - Author: Sarabeth Hill

Summer!!! ALREADY!
It’s here and now in full swing – garden growing, rain in May, softball practice nearby, school is out, summer work teams are arriving, and donations are down. What a wonderful but intrepid time for Scott as he switches things over in the business office for summer, our fiscal year end was May 31st, and work team coordinators are coming in for direction and resources that Scott oversees; the budgets for the new fiscal year are still needing completion; and we are at our lowest income time of the year for the mission, making it difficult to get the bills paid. All that is just in the business office that he is temporarily still filling in for. Please pray that the urgency of the generally insignificant (or chaos) would not reign and that funds would come in and that Scott would have the time to complete and wisdom to know what needs to be done.
The trip to Alaska was a success and much of the old KRSA studio equipment is in our warehouse awaiting Scott’s attention. Praise the Lord for a good trip, for safety and some time to relax! Upon arriving back home and unloading, we were able to put some of the equipment to immediate use. Please continue to remember the FM building construction through this season – completion is planned by the end of August.
Thank you so much for Partnering with us in this ministry!


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May Note

May 20, 2015 - Author: Sarabeth Hill

The new FM Transmitter has been temporarily installed in the old building – and not a moment to soon. The day before we began the install, the $1400 tube in the old transmitter lost its power and reduced us to a mere 1000 watts output. Praise the Lord that we had the new one in hand and half way in place! Our good friend John Sims came over from Kansas City to help in the install and brought his wife Darla with him, how good it was to fellowship with them. To top off his visit – he brought his famous home smoked BBQ with him for our whole staff to enjoy! The Lord has truly been good to us!
Please be in prayer for us as Scott is going up to Petersburg Alaska with Greg Lewis to collect what remains of the KRSA equipment. KRSA went dark and turned in their license to the FCC nearly two years ago and the equipment has been in storage – so God has blessed us in being able to acquire it and put is to use again in the service of the Lord! Pray for travel safety and for the Hill and Lewis families as they remain in New Mexico. Pray that the Lord will use us for His glory in all that we do and say.
Thank you so much for covering the ministry here with prayer and the financial support so that we may continue to serve Him in getting the gospel proclaimed in the four corners area.


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