October Newsletter
November 5, 2017 - Author: Scott Hill - No CommentsReformation Day Greetings! Our October Newsletter is ready to read! (click Here to open the PDF.)
This day we remember that historic event 500 years ago of Martin Luther posting his 95 theses to the door! Praise the Lord that I do not have to hand copy this newsletter today to all of you. He has truly blessed us to live in a day of technology that spreads His Word and Testimonies far and wide and fast. Thank you for reading this newsletter and sharing in the History of the Hill family and God’s calling on them.
I want to highlight that we have a website, www.scottandsarabeth.com, that has a record of our newsletters and updates and links to Sarabeth’s blog. Occasionally we will post something else as we have for this newsletter. Questions and Answers{ http://www.scottandsarabeth.com/?page_id=382 } is a new page on the site that shares some Questions that one of our churches asked recently and we thought they were good enough to share with you along with our answers, please take some time to read and feel free to come up with your own questions for us.
Sarabeth is due with our 3rd daughter in November, thank you for praying with us for a safe and smooth delivery. This will very much limit her ability to travel, so we are staying put till after November.
Again, THANK YOU so much for partnering with God in His work on and through us!
In His service,
Scott and Sarabeth Hill
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