June Note
June 12, 2014 - Author: Sarabeth Hill - No CommentsGreetings from Sunny New Mexico!
Summer time has begun and Work Teams are now in a constant flow here at Western Indian Ministries and the main project of refurbishing the Dorm/Retreat house has begun in earnest. Praise the Lord for bringing in a volunteer to coordinate and oversee the project. We are still waiting on God to provide the right I-Beam at the right time to complete the project, but there is still a lot of prep work to be done to the foundation.
June has been a very busy time for Scott so far as he had to put on another hat for a short time while several coworkers have taken vacations and a short term mission trip. To add on top of that – the one tooth in his mouth that has a crown apparently is needing a root canal, it is giving him a bit of pain in the jaw and the pocketbook. Pray for wisdom and patience as he is trying to manage the business of the mission well as we wait for a new business manager to be called by God.
If you are interested in what is going on with our family and seeing pictures of the kids etc…be sure to check out Sarabeth’s blog at seedpearl.scottandsarabeth.com. Sarabeth does a pretty good job of keeping something fresh on there.
Thank you for standing in the gap for us in prayer and support.
Categories: Update