August Note
August 19, 2014 - Author: Sarabeth Hill - No CommentsGreetings,
Thank you for praying about finances – the mission received a few donations that helped steady out the summer blues! Keep up the prayer for a full time, fully supported accountant missionary and business manager!
Progress on the Dorm Project is impressive…although God did not provide the I-Beam we wanted, we were able to get some glue-lam beams that will do the trick. Praise the Lord with us that He provided a donation of all the electrical parts and materials we need for this project from a generous donor in Albuquerque. The project has been dubbed the Nehemiah project as we trust the Lord to put all the details together.
In the midst of the busy summer, our FM transmitter failed and needs some more TLC to keep it going a little longer (as if Scott needed something else to do); but thanks to a member of our board, we were able to trouble shoot and coax it back into operation. Pray for a good Sharathon on October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th as we raise more funds to replace this 50+ year old transmitter.
Thank you for your consistent and generous giving to the Lord that allows us to continue follow Him in this ministry and for your constant prayer for us and Western Indian Ministries.
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